Dietmar Tauchner wrote the price winning haiku in the 18th Kusamakura. Michael Lindenhofer won the Kumamoto "City of Artesian Waters" Haiku Award.
Valeria Barouch belongs to the winning authors at the 15th HIA Haiku Contest.
Results of The Mainichi Haiku Contest 2013 have been published. The 17th issue saw nearly 900 entries in English and over 300 in French. Among the winners of the Second Prize we find Dietmar Tauchner. You will find haiku from Brigitte Schaldach-Helmlechler, Ramona Linke, and Wolfgang Beutke in the Honorable-Mention-gallery. Judge Toru Haga says: "Every year of the contest, Western-language haiku have developed with certainty, and it seems that they are breaking away from "Japonism" and starting to achieve a unique state of mind. The message is to strike back at the world of cheap tricks in Japanese haiku while breaking from the traditions of Western poetry marked by verbosity and loquaciousness."
Isamu Hashimoto selected haiku for The Mainichi Daily News: Wolfgang Beutke, Rudi Pfaller, Valeria Barouch, Elke Bonacker, Lothar M. Kirsch, Helga Stania, Beate Conrad, and Ramona Linke.
David McMurray and The Asahi Haikuist Network present one last haiku of the year, the end of the year and an end of the year celebration in verses by Cezar F. Ciobica, Ramona Linke, and Valeria Barouch.
Dietmar Tauchner, Stella Pierides, and Ralf Bröker appear in Bones 3.
The Shiki Monthly Kukai in November found Cezar F. Ciobica, Horst Ludwig, and Ralf Bröker in the points.
The winter-edition of European Quarterly Kukai ist online. German Tongues in number of appearance: Dietmar Tauchner, Cezar F. Ciobica, Heike Gewi, Sylvia Bacher, Valeria Barouch, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Yuko Igarashi, Wolfgang Beutke, Heinz Schneemann, Ramona Linke, Silvia Kempen, Ralf Bröker, Claudius Gottstein, Beate Conrad, and Brigitte ten Brink.
Ruth Zuckschwerdt and Ralf Bröker wrote tanka, published in The Bamboo Hut, volume 1 issue 2.
Meguro International Haiku Circle's festival saw Simone K. Busch as winner of the kukai.
The Heron's Nest Volume XV Issue 4 presents work from Cezar F. Ciobica, Martina Heinisch, and Stella Pierides.
Same Sky Over Plains and City
Asahi Haikuist Networks talks about trees, wine and moon. You will find works written by Horst Ludwig, Ramona Linke, Valeria Barouch, Heike Stehr, and Heike Gewi.
Haiku by Heike Gewi, Lothar M. Kirsch and Wolfgang Beutke (twice) were presented by Mainichi Daily and are now part of its archive.
Meguro International Haiku Circle 11 has published Simone K. Busch.
The 113th WHA Haiga Contest shows art-work from Beate Conrad, Christa Beau, Cezar F. Ciobica, Helga Stania, Silvia Kempen, and Simone K. Busch.
ARDEA's issue no. 3 is online, including Silvia Kempen, Stella Pierides, and Dietmar Tauchner. Some haiku in English have been translated by Beate Conrad.
Stella Pierides' and Dietmar Tauchner's haiku are part of bones 2 (which was forgotten to be reported here in summer. Sorry about that).
Cezar F. Ciobica was successful in 11th Annual Peots' Choice Kukai.
Under the Basho Autumn 2013 presents Beate Conrad's Kusamakura-haiku from 2009. Her haiku and haibun were also published in Simply Haiku Summer 2013.
Carribbean Kigo Kukai #47 saw Claudius Gottstein and Ralf Bröker as participants.
Peggy Heinrich had chosen haiku by Dietmar Tauchner and Ralf Bröker as Haiku Per Diem in October 2013. Her theme: Urban Haiku. She wrote: "Haiku are usually defined as poems of nature. Looking to cities for haiku may seem contradictory but the same sky that drifts over the plains looms above the city. Birds fly, animals caper, flowers and trees bloom, offering many opportunities for fine haiku. In the midst of all the cement and concrete are multitudes of humans by the thousands, and where there are humans, a poignant or ironic scene awaits the perceptive poet. Along with true haiku, many that appear this month are senryu, the haiku of human nature."
First issue of moongarlic is online now. On its back page it presents a haiku from Ralf Bröker within a haiga by the editors.
Haiku by Heike Gewi, Lothar M. Kirsch and Wolfgang Beutke (twice) were presented by Mainichi Daily and are now part of its archive.
Meguro International Haiku Circle 11 has published Simone K. Busch.
The 113th WHA Haiga Contest shows art-work from Beate Conrad, Christa Beau, Cezar F. Ciobica, Helga Stania, Silvia Kempen, and Simone K. Busch.
ARDEA's issue no. 3 is online, including Silvia Kempen, Stella Pierides, and Dietmar Tauchner. Some haiku in English have been translated by Beate Conrad.
Stella Pierides' and Dietmar Tauchner's haiku are part of bones 2 (which was forgotten to be reported here in summer. Sorry about that).
Cezar F. Ciobica was successful in 11th Annual Peots' Choice Kukai.
Under the Basho Autumn 2013 presents Beate Conrad's Kusamakura-haiku from 2009. Her haiku and haibun were also published in Simply Haiku Summer 2013.
Carribbean Kigo Kukai #47 saw Claudius Gottstein and Ralf Bröker as participants.
Peggy Heinrich had chosen haiku by Dietmar Tauchner and Ralf Bröker as Haiku Per Diem in October 2013. Her theme: Urban Haiku. She wrote: "Haiku are usually defined as poems of nature. Looking to cities for haiku may seem contradictory but the same sky that drifts over the plains looms above the city. Birds fly, animals caper, flowers and trees bloom, offering many opportunities for fine haiku. In the midst of all the cement and concrete are multitudes of humans by the thousands, and where there are humans, a poignant or ironic scene awaits the perceptive poet. Along with true haiku, many that appear this month are senryu, the haiku of human nature."
First issue of moongarlic is online now. On its back page it presents a haiku from Ralf Bröker within a haiga by the editors.
Feeding Silence ... Even For Bilingual Readers
Chrysanthemum 14 is online, and amongst many international authors you will find some of a German speaking origin or background and their haiku and haibun in English: Sylvia Bacher, Christa Beau, Tony Böhle, Brigitte ten Brink, Ralf Bröker, Simone K. Busch, Volker Friebel, Ruth Guggenmos-Walter, Gabriele Hartmann, Silvia Kempen, Liliana Kremsner, Horst Ludwig, René Possél, Birgit Schaldach-Helmlechner, Boris Semrow, Georg C. Sindermann, Helga Stania, Heike Stehr, Gerhard Stein.
The Heron's Nest, Volume XV, number 3, presents works written by Claudia Brefeld and Dietmar Tauchner.
"Haiku-Pick" is the title of the new bilingual book from Heike Gewi. 200 haiku in German and English go together with 26 haiga.
Stella Pierides' "Feeding the Doves" is a collection of haibun and haibun-like short-stories. “Stories to surprise and entertain, to wake and calm, to wrench and elate, to tell the Greek story, past and present, and everyone’s story”, says Michael Dylan Welch.
The 24th ITO EN New Haiku Contest saw Bernadette Duncan being awarded a honorable mention.
The Mainichi presented haiku by Wolfgang Beutke, Helga Stania, Angelica Seithe, Cezar F. Ciobica, Rudi Pfaller, and Dietmar Tauchner.
Lynx XXVIII:3 publishes poetry from Wolfgang and Anne-Dore Beutke, Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Ralf Bröker. It also gives reviews concerning the new books, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Gerd Börner and Volker Friebel wrote. Werner Reichhold's "Sechzig Deutsche Gaselen" is announced here as well and opens the range of haiku-related short-poetry.
Klaus-Dieter Wirth's "In The Wake of Silence" was also reviewed in Shamrock #26.
Meguro International Haiku Circle 9/2013 presents Simone K. Busch.
European Quarterly Kukai #3 saw the following haijin with a German tongue (in number of appearance): Heike Gewi (2nd), Wolfgang Beutke, Cezar F. Ciobica, Silvia Kempen, Claudius Gottstein, Stella Pierides, Ramona Linke, Ralf Bröker, Brigitte Ten Brink, Sylvia Bacher, Benjamin Bläsi, Manuela Ritzke, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Yuko Igarashi, Valeria Barouch, Martina Heinisch, Heinz Schneemann, and Margareta Hihn.
Diogen Best Summer Haiku 2013 comes from Beate Conrad, who was also honorable mentioned. Gerd Börner and Ralf Bröker won a second prize, Tony Böhle, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Heike Gewi a third.
The 112th WHA Haiga Contest shows art-work from Beate Conrad, Christa Beau, Heike Gewi, Heike Stehr, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Silvia Kempen, and Simone K. Busch.
In The Shiki Monthly September 2013 results you will find Stella Pierides, Claudius Gottstein, and Ralf Bröker.
Stella Pierides took part in The Svetlana Marisova Memorial Kukai 2013.
The Living Haiku Anthology gathers haiku-writers Under The Basho like Stella Pierides and Ralf Bröker.
Asahi Haikuist Network presents Valeria Baouch on 4th of October, Beate Conrad, Bernhard Kopf, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Ralf Bröker on 20th of September.
The Heron's Nest, Volume XV, number 3, presents works written by Claudia Brefeld and Dietmar Tauchner.
"Haiku-Pick" is the title of the new bilingual book from Heike Gewi. 200 haiku in German and English go together with 26 haiga.
Stella Pierides' "Feeding the Doves" is a collection of haibun and haibun-like short-stories. “Stories to surprise and entertain, to wake and calm, to wrench and elate, to tell the Greek story, past and present, and everyone’s story”, says Michael Dylan Welch.
The 24th ITO EN New Haiku Contest saw Bernadette Duncan being awarded a honorable mention.
The Mainichi presented haiku by Wolfgang Beutke, Helga Stania, Angelica Seithe, Cezar F. Ciobica, Rudi Pfaller, and Dietmar Tauchner.
Lynx XXVIII:3 publishes poetry from Wolfgang and Anne-Dore Beutke, Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Ralf Bröker. It also gives reviews concerning the new books, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Gerd Börner and Volker Friebel wrote. Werner Reichhold's "Sechzig Deutsche Gaselen" is announced here as well and opens the range of haiku-related short-poetry.
Klaus-Dieter Wirth's "In The Wake of Silence" was also reviewed in Shamrock #26.
Meguro International Haiku Circle 9/2013 presents Simone K. Busch.
European Quarterly Kukai #3 saw the following haijin with a German tongue (in number of appearance): Heike Gewi (2nd), Wolfgang Beutke, Cezar F. Ciobica, Silvia Kempen, Claudius Gottstein, Stella Pierides, Ramona Linke, Ralf Bröker, Brigitte Ten Brink, Sylvia Bacher, Benjamin Bläsi, Manuela Ritzke, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Yuko Igarashi, Valeria Barouch, Martina Heinisch, Heinz Schneemann, and Margareta Hihn.
Diogen Best Summer Haiku 2013 comes from Beate Conrad, who was also honorable mentioned. Gerd Börner and Ralf Bröker won a second prize, Tony Böhle, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Heike Gewi a third.
The 112th WHA Haiga Contest shows art-work from Beate Conrad, Christa Beau, Heike Gewi, Heike Stehr, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Silvia Kempen, and Simone K. Busch.
In The Shiki Monthly September 2013 results you will find Stella Pierides, Claudius Gottstein, and Ralf Bröker.
Stella Pierides took part in The Svetlana Marisova Memorial Kukai 2013.
The Living Haiku Anthology gathers haiku-writers Under The Basho like Stella Pierides and Ralf Bröker.
Asahi Haikuist Network presents Valeria Baouch on 4th of October, Beate Conrad, Bernhard Kopf, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Ralf Bröker on 20th of September.
A Wonderful Collection
Red Moon Press has launched Dietmar Tauchner's "noise of our origin". John Stevenson says: "An ambidextrous poet, equally effective in German and English, Dietmar
Tauchner is an energetic contributor to the cause of haiku as world
literature." And Alan Summer calls it "a wonderful collection".
The Mainichi published haiku by Beate Conrad, Cezar F. Ciobica, Lothar M. Kirsch, Stefan Wolfschütz, and Bernhard Kopf.
Silence, wind in the trees, and war's end have been items for Ramona Linke, Valeria Barouch, Heike Gewi, and Bernhard Kopf on Asahi Haikuist Network.
Tinywords presented a haiky by Dietmar Tauchner.
Haiku from Simone K. Busch, Helga Stania, and Heike Gewi are part of A Hundred Gourds 2:4 September 2013. The issue also presents haiga by Simone and a renku, in which Dietmar Tauchner was involved.
Martina Heinisch's haiga was published in Ramona Linke's haiku-art.
Elizabeth McFarland's work is to be seen in the haigaonline gallery.
Roman Rausch and Sasche Mücke won a haiku contest in languages, which do not exist in this world: The International Conference on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Invented Languages.
Shiki Monthly's "10th Annual Poets' Choice Kukai" saw Cezar F. Ciobica on fifth place in the Kigo Category and Stella Pierides in the points (Free Category). The both also took part in the July Kukai, and so did Horst Ludwig and Ralf Bröker.
Claudius Gottstein, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Ralf Bröker were participants of Caribbean Kigo Kukai 45.
Tanka by a facebook group called Tanka Poets on Site have been performed by Kathabela Wilson on the Haiku North America's conference. Ralf Bröker was among them - just literally.
The Mainichi published haiku by Beate Conrad, Cezar F. Ciobica, Lothar M. Kirsch, Stefan Wolfschütz, and Bernhard Kopf.
Silence, wind in the trees, and war's end have been items for Ramona Linke, Valeria Barouch, Heike Gewi, and Bernhard Kopf on Asahi Haikuist Network.
Tinywords presented a haiky by Dietmar Tauchner.
Haiku from Simone K. Busch, Helga Stania, and Heike Gewi are part of A Hundred Gourds 2:4 September 2013. The issue also presents haiga by Simone and a renku, in which Dietmar Tauchner was involved.
Martina Heinisch's haiga was published in Ramona Linke's haiku-art.
Elizabeth McFarland's work is to be seen in the haigaonline gallery.
Roman Rausch and Sasche Mücke won a haiku contest in languages, which do not exist in this world: The International Conference on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Invented Languages.
Shiki Monthly's "10th Annual Poets' Choice Kukai" saw Cezar F. Ciobica on fifth place in the Kigo Category and Stella Pierides in the points (Free Category). The both also took part in the July Kukai, and so did Horst Ludwig and Ralf Bröker.
Claudius Gottstein, Cezar F. Ciobica, and Ralf Bröker were participants of Caribbean Kigo Kukai 45.
Tanka by a facebook group called Tanka Poets on Site have been performed by Kathabela Wilson on the Haiku North America's conference. Ralf Bröker was among them - just literally.
Mt. Fuji Meets Ants on Evening Stroll
The 110th WHA Haiga Contest and its 111th edition show work from Christa Beau, Heike Gewi, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Silvia Kempen, and Simone K. Busch.
This July The Mainichi presents haiku, written by Lothar M. Kirsch, Wolfgang Beutke and Helga Stania.
Mt. Fuji, evening strolls and ants have been on the agenda of Asahi Haikuist Network, and Heike Gewi, Wolfgang Beutke, Ralf Bröker, Valeria Barouch, Ramona Linke, and Beate Conrad took place.
Diogen - a magazin about culture, edited in Bosnia and Herzegovina - gives us a review on Wolfgang Beutke.
The June 2013 Shiki Monthly Kukai saw Cezar-Florin Ciobica, Stella Pierides, and Horst Ludwig as participants.
Caribbean Kigo Kukai 43 and CKK #44 publish submissions of Cezar-Florin Ciobica and Ralf Bröker.
This July The Mainichi presents haiku, written by Lothar M. Kirsch, Wolfgang Beutke and Helga Stania.
Mt. Fuji, evening strolls and ants have been on the agenda of Asahi Haikuist Network, and Heike Gewi, Wolfgang Beutke, Ralf Bröker, Valeria Barouch, Ramona Linke, and Beate Conrad took place.
Diogen - a magazin about culture, edited in Bosnia and Herzegovina - gives us a review on Wolfgang Beutke.
The June 2013 Shiki Monthly Kukai saw Cezar-Florin Ciobica, Stella Pierides, and Horst Ludwig as participants.
Caribbean Kigo Kukai 43 and CKK #44 publish submissions of Cezar-Florin Ciobica and Ralf Bröker.
Stella Pierides: In Her Heart She Lives On the Aegean Coast
warm days wrapped up in a word too many
Modern Haiku 44.2, 2013
spit polishing
her scuffed shoes—
war child
Haiku News, Vol. 2 No. 17, 2013
transit of Venus
the mole
on her upper lip
A Hundred Gourds 1:4 September 2012
Stella Pierides divides her time between Neusaess, DE, and London, UK. In her heart she lives somewhere on the Aegean coast. She enjoys walking, gardening, music, film, and pottery.
Stella’s work has been included in anthologies, and in print and online magazines including: A Hundred Gourds, Asahi Haikuist Network, Blithe Spirit, Bottle Rockets, Chrysanthemum, Contemporary Haibun, Frogpond, Haibun Today, Haiku Presence, Mainichi Haiku in English, Modern Haiku, Moonbathing, NFTG, and elsewhere.
She has co-edited Even Paranoids Have Enemies (Routledge, 1998) and Beyond Madness (JKP, 2002) and published articles and reviews. Her collection Haiku of the Senses appeared in THF’s Per Diem feature, March 2012, and can be viewed in the THF Per Diem Archive. Poetry book “In the Garden of Absence,” Fruit Dove Press, 2012. Membership: English PEN, Haiku Society of America, British Haiku Society, and on the The Haiku Foundation‘s Haiku Registry. Stella project manages the THF feature Per Diem: Daily Haiku.
Main website and blog
A Lot of Tongues After Jubilee's Finish
For I was involved in the German Haiku Society's silver-jubilee HFGT has not been updated for a while. Please take my excuses.
Haiga online's summer exhibition 2013 presents Elizabeth McFarland (and other's visual renku).
David McMurray's Asahi Haikuist Network presented works about buddha's birthday, rain, and fathers. The following authors of German torngue have been published: Valeria Barouch, Christa Beau, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Helga Stania.
At least 17 authors speaking German sent submissions to the Second European Quartly Kukai. The result shows haiku by Helga Stania, Cezar-Florin Ciobica, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Wolfgang Beutke, Yuko Igarashi, Margareta Hihn, Dietmar Tauchner, Martina Heinisch, Valeria Barouch, Brigitte ten Brink, Lothar M. Kirsch, Heinz Schneemann, Ralf Bröker, Heike Gewi, Sylvia Bacher, Ramona Linke, Sebastian Hengst.
Klemens Antusch's haiku was published at Mainichi's. And so were Cezar-Florin Ciobica's and Elke Bonacker's.
"Haikool" is the name of a book, published in France in six languages. 108 haijin wrote humorous haiku, eleven come from Germany (as I was told): Claudia Brefeld, Gabriele Hartmann, Gerd Börner, Hubertus Thum, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Rainer Hesse, Rita Rosen, Silvia Kempen, Stefan Wolfschütz, Udo Wenzel, and Simone K. Busch.
Stella Pierides, Helga Stania, and Dietmar Tauchner appear in A Hundred Gourds 2:3 June 2013.
Simone K. Busch's haiku are part of Catherine Urquhart's 6th haiku meeting of Meguro International Haiku Circle.
Special recognition was given to Sylvia Bacher's submission in 2012 Fujisan Haiku.
Caribbean Kigo Kukai 42 saw entries by Cezar-Florin Ciobica and Ralf Bröker.
The Haiku Foundation's "haiku per diem" was a bit German in April. Its theme: "Sehnsucht".
Gesine Becker's haiku was published in Ramona Linke's "haiku-art".
Ruth Franke (who died in 2011) and her haibun are part of Haibun Today.
Ingrid Kunschke's TankaNetz shows a lot of her activities in English. Very fine tanka you will find here. Tanka prose is shown as well.
109th WHA Haiga Contest presents work of Christa Beau, Elke Bonacker, Simone K. Busch, Beate Conrad, Heike Gewi, Ramona Linke, and Helga Stania.
Simone K. Busch, Gerda Förster, Elizabeth McFarland, Stella Pierides, and Dietmar Tauchner have been published in Notes from the Gean 020.
Haiga online's summer exhibition 2013 presents Elizabeth McFarland (and other's visual renku).
David McMurray's Asahi Haikuist Network presented works about buddha's birthday, rain, and fathers. The following authors of German torngue have been published: Valeria Barouch, Christa Beau, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Helga Stania.
At least 17 authors speaking German sent submissions to the Second European Quartly Kukai. The result shows haiku by Helga Stania, Cezar-Florin Ciobica, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Wolfgang Beutke, Yuko Igarashi, Margareta Hihn, Dietmar Tauchner, Martina Heinisch, Valeria Barouch, Brigitte ten Brink, Lothar M. Kirsch, Heinz Schneemann, Ralf Bröker, Heike Gewi, Sylvia Bacher, Ramona Linke, Sebastian Hengst.
Klemens Antusch's haiku was published at Mainichi's. And so were Cezar-Florin Ciobica's and Elke Bonacker's.
"Haikool" is the name of a book, published in France in six languages. 108 haijin wrote humorous haiku, eleven come from Germany (as I was told): Claudia Brefeld, Gabriele Hartmann, Gerd Börner, Hubertus Thum, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Rainer Hesse, Rita Rosen, Silvia Kempen, Stefan Wolfschütz, Udo Wenzel, and Simone K. Busch.
Stella Pierides, Helga Stania, and Dietmar Tauchner appear in A Hundred Gourds 2:3 June 2013.
Simone K. Busch's haiku are part of Catherine Urquhart's 6th haiku meeting of Meguro International Haiku Circle.
Special recognition was given to Sylvia Bacher's submission in 2012 Fujisan Haiku.
Caribbean Kigo Kukai 42 saw entries by Cezar-Florin Ciobica and Ralf Bröker.
The Haiku Foundation's "haiku per diem" was a bit German in April. Its theme: "Sehnsucht".
Gesine Becker's haiku was published in Ramona Linke's "haiku-art".
Ruth Franke (who died in 2011) and her haibun are part of Haibun Today.
Ingrid Kunschke's TankaNetz shows a lot of her activities in English. Very fine tanka you will find here. Tanka prose is shown as well.
109th WHA Haiga Contest presents work of Christa Beau, Elke Bonacker, Simone K. Busch, Beate Conrad, Heike Gewi, Ramona Linke, and Helga Stania.
Simone K. Busch, Gerda Förster, Elizabeth McFarland, Stella Pierides, and Dietmar Tauchner have been published in Notes from the Gean 020.
Multimedia-Haiku and a Lot of Teamwork
Daily Haiga asks for submissions by showing a haiga from Heike Gewi.
Asahi Haikuist Networks congratulates Buddha - and presents a haiku from Ramona Linke.
LYNX XXVIII is online with some collaborative and solo work by Claudia Brefeld, Helga Stania, Elizabeth McFarland, Ramona Linke, Simone K. Busch, Anna-Dore/Wolfgang Beutke, and Ralf Bröker.
Mainichi published a couple of haiku from German tongues lately: Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Wolfgang Beutke, Dietmar Tauchner, and Lothar M. Kirsch.
Stella Pierides' "In the Garden of Absence" has been briefly reviewed in Frogpond.
Haiku from Ramona Linke and Kurt F. Svatek were read at WHA 8th Japan Conference Part one and two.
As promised: "World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Right violation" is a good place for 420 authors and especially for a lot of German tongues. Every bookmarker is one of them: Karin Baumgartner, Gerd Börner, Inge Böffgen, Claudia Brefeld, Ralf Bröker, Simone K. Busch, Ingo Cesaro, Daniel Dreher, Betti Fichtl, Volker Friebel, Jochen Hahn-Klimroth, Martina Heinisch, Peter Janssen, Sigi Lewandowski, Ramona Linke, Matthias Mala, Marion Naumann d'Alnoncourt, Helmut Schlick, Monika Smollich, Dietmar Tauchner, Dr. Joachm Thiede, Udo Wenzel, and Klaus-Dieter Wirth.
Asahi Haikuist Networks congratulates Buddha - and presents a haiku from Ramona Linke.
LYNX XXVIII is online with some collaborative and solo work by Claudia Brefeld, Helga Stania, Elizabeth McFarland, Ramona Linke, Simone K. Busch, Anna-Dore/Wolfgang Beutke, and Ralf Bröker.
Mainichi published a couple of haiku from German tongues lately: Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Wolfgang Beutke, Dietmar Tauchner, and Lothar M. Kirsch.
Stella Pierides' "In the Garden of Absence" has been briefly reviewed in Frogpond.
Haiku from Ramona Linke and Kurt F. Svatek were read at WHA 8th Japan Conference Part one and two.
As promised: "World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Right violation" is a good place for 420 authors and especially for a lot of German tongues. Every bookmarker is one of them: Karin Baumgartner, Gerd Börner, Inge Böffgen, Claudia Brefeld, Ralf Bröker, Simone K. Busch, Ingo Cesaro, Daniel Dreher, Betti Fichtl, Volker Friebel, Jochen Hahn-Klimroth, Martina Heinisch, Peter Janssen, Sigi Lewandowski, Ramona Linke, Matthias Mala, Marion Naumann d'Alnoncourt, Helmut Schlick, Monika Smollich, Dietmar Tauchner, Dr. Joachm Thiede, Udo Wenzel, and Klaus-Dieter Wirth.
Haiku at Crossroads and Other Places
Chrysanthemum 13 presents many haiku in English and German. These are the published authors, a lot of them speak German: S. M. Abeles, Ramesh Anand, Deb Baker, Gabrielo Banks, Christa Beau, Brad Bennett, Tony Beyer, Tony Böhle, Adrian Bouter, Claudia Brefeld, Brigitte ten Brink, Ralf Bröker, Helen Buckingham, Owen Bullock, Anne-Marie Burrus, Željka Čakan, Steven Carter, Andrea Cecon, Paul Chambers, Charl JF Cilliers, Kirsten Cliff, Ulla Conrad, Bill Cooper, Robert Davey, Susan Diridoni, Patrick Druart, R. Gerry Fabian, Elisabeth McFarland, Michael Gallagher, Patrick Gillet, Kate S. Godsey, Simon Hanson, Gabriele Hartmann, John Hawkhead, Sebastian Hengst, David Jacobs, Silvia Kempen, Noel King, John Kinory, Simone Knierim Busch, Krzysztof Kokot, Chen-ou Liu, Bob Lucky, Horst Ludwig, John McManus, Donco Mishovski, Beverly Acuff Momoi, Elizabeth Moura, Eric G. Müller, Peter Newton, David Oates, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Minh-Triêt Pham, Marija Anđela Pogorilić, Thomas Powell, Nu Quang, Aalix Roake, Brian Robertson, David Rodrigues, Lydia Royen Damhave, Birgit Schaldach-Helmlechner, Adelaide B. Shaw, Angelica Seithe, Boris Semrow, Keith Simmonds, Georg C. Sindermann, John Soules, Craig Steele, Heike Stehr, Gerhard Stein, Diana Teneva, Anusha Tennakoon, Truth Thomas, Steliana Voicu, Branka Vojinovic-Jegdic, Michael West, Steve Wilkinson, Quendryth Young, Romano Zeraschi, J. Zimmerman. We also find Haibun by Steven Carter, Silvia Kempen, Johannes Manjrekar, Peter Newton, Udo Wenzel, John Zheng, J. Zimmerman. Klaus-Dieter Wirth's feature finds "Haiku at Crossroads".
Lothar M. Kirsch, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke and Heike Gewi and their haiku have been shown at Mainichi's.
David McMurray's Asahi Haikuist Network published haiku from Valeria Barouch, Horst Ludwig, Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, and Helga Stania.
Kuniharu Shimizu presents the results of the 108th WHA HAiga Contest. Among the 35 works are haiga by Christa Beau, Beate Conrad, Elke Bonacker, Heike Gewi, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Rudi Pfaller, and Simone K. Busch.
Simone K. Busch (and Bea Bareis), Beate Conrad, Heike Gewi, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Beth McFarland, and Guntram Porps take part in Daily Haiga.
Heike Gewi presents a bilingual book called "Den Wind jagen". You will find Haiku in English and their German translation on about 200 pages. The link on this promoted site will lead you to 20 of them ...
Simone K. Busch joined the fourth meeting of Meguro International Haiku Circle.
Cezar F. Ciobica and Ralf Bröker sent haiku to Caribbean Kigo Kukai #41. Ralf also participated in the 13th International Kukai.
Coming soon: World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Right violation is a good place for 420 authors. We will check out, who is speaking with a German tongue.
Lothar M. Kirsch, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke and Heike Gewi and their haiku have been shown at Mainichi's.
David McMurray's Asahi Haikuist Network published haiku from Valeria Barouch, Horst Ludwig, Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, and Helga Stania.
Kuniharu Shimizu presents the results of the 108th WHA HAiga Contest. Among the 35 works are haiga by Christa Beau, Beate Conrad, Elke Bonacker, Heike Gewi, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Rudi Pfaller, and Simone K. Busch.
Simone K. Busch (and Bea Bareis), Beate Conrad, Heike Gewi, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Beth McFarland, and Guntram Porps take part in Daily Haiga.
Heike Gewi presents a bilingual book called "Den Wind jagen". You will find Haiku in English and their German translation on about 200 pages. The link on this promoted site will lead you to 20 of them ...
Simone K. Busch joined the fourth meeting of Meguro International Haiku Circle.
Cezar F. Ciobica and Ralf Bröker sent haiku to Caribbean Kigo Kukai #41. Ralf also participated in the 13th International Kukai.
Coming soon: World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Right violation is a good place for 420 authors. We will check out, who is speaking with a German tongue.
Walter Mathois writes since his youth
pansies tremble
in the old lady's walker
green traffic light
almond blossoms
whirling around
the dream catcher
The Mainichi, May2nd2012
butterflies rest
on the railway
apple blossoms
The Mainichi, June 2nd 2012
in the old lady's walker
green traffic light
almond blossoms
whirling around
the dream catcher
The Mainichi, May2nd2012
butterflies rest
on the railway
apple blossoms
The Mainichi, June 2nd 2012
Annual Selection, Sharpened Pencil
The Annual Selection 2012 from The Mainichi is a collection of all haiku being presented during the year. 14 German Tongues and their 40 works have been presented this time (in number of appearance): Heike Gewi (5), Lothar M. Kirsch (7), Elke Bonacker (2), Horst Ludwig (2), Ramona Linke (5), Rudi Pfaller (6), Valeria Barouch, Walter O. Mathois (2), Cezar F. Ciobica (2), Beate Conrad (4), Bernhard Kopf, Gesine Becker, Claudia Brefeld, Helga Stania.
Sharpening the Green Pencil is the name of the contest, organized by the Romanian Kukai Group. This year 15 authors from Austria, Switzerland and Germany participated. Though they have not been mentioned as winners, their 28 haiku were published - and worth reading: Sylvia Bacher, Valeria Barouch, Piotre Bratzki, Frank Dietrich, Volker Friebel, Sebastian Hengst, Silvia Kempen, Wolfgang Rödig, Birgit Schaldach, Angelica Seithe, Georg C. Sindermann, Heike Stehr, Joachim Thiede.
Notes from the Gean, issue 18, publishes haiku from Stella Pierides and Beth McFarland.
Seven years ago, Angelika Wienert wrote about Issa. David Lanoue presented the essay on his haikuguy-homepage.
Sharpening the Green Pencil is the name of the contest, organized by the Romanian Kukai Group. This year 15 authors from Austria, Switzerland and Germany participated. Though they have not been mentioned as winners, their 28 haiku were published - and worth reading: Sylvia Bacher, Valeria Barouch, Piotre Bratzki, Frank Dietrich, Volker Friebel, Sebastian Hengst, Silvia Kempen, Wolfgang Rödig, Birgit Schaldach, Angelica Seithe, Georg C. Sindermann, Heike Stehr, Joachim Thiede.
Notes from the Gean, issue 18, publishes haiku from Stella Pierides and Beth McFarland.
Seven years ago, Angelika Wienert wrote about Issa. David Lanoue presented the essay on his haikuguy-homepage.
Happy Easter with German Tongues!
The 107thWHA Haiga Contest is online with Beate Conrad, Cezar F. Ciobîcă, Christa Beau, Elke Bonacker, Heike Gewi, Helga Stania, Ramona Linke, Simone K. Busch.
Haiga online 14, issue 1, was contributed by Heike Gewi and Beth McFarland.
The Mainichi published Simone K. Busch, and yesterday it presented Ramona Linke
Haiku by Ramona Linke and Kurt F. Svatek are part of World Haiku 2013, No. 9.
Stella Pierides and Cezar F. Ciobîcă are present with their work in The Shiki Monthly, March 2013.
Good-Friday-issue of Asahi Haikuist Network contains haiku from Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Heike Stehr, and Ralf Bröker.
Cezar F. Ciobîcă and Ralf Bröker appear in the 40th issue of Caribbean Kigo Kukai.
Haiga online 14, issue 1, was contributed by Heike Gewi and Beth McFarland.
The Mainichi published Simone K. Busch, and yesterday it presented Ramona Linke
Haiku by Ramona Linke and Kurt F. Svatek are part of World Haiku 2013, No. 9.
Stella Pierides and Cezar F. Ciobîcă are present with their work in The Shiki Monthly, March 2013.
Good-Friday-issue of Asahi Haikuist Network contains haiku from Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, Heike Stehr, and Ralf Bröker.
Cezar F. Ciobîcă and Ralf Bröker appear in the 40th issue of Caribbean Kigo Kukai.
Curtain Up for European Kukai
These authors from Germany or of German speaking origin took part in the first European Quarterly Kukai: Wolfgang Beutke, Silvia Kempen, Christian Michel, Cezar F. Ciobîcă, Sebastian Hengst, Stella Pierides, Ramona Linke, Ralf Bröker, Klaus-Dieter Wirth, Valeria Barouch, Yuko Igarashi, Grazyna Werner, Heike Gewi, Claudius Gottstein, Heinz Schneemann, Margareta Hihn, Sylvia Bacher, Brigitte ten Brink, Lothar M. Kirsch, Brian Robertson, Kenzo Manipitsu (in number of appearance).
Wolfgang Beutke's haiku appeared at Mainichi Daily.
Beate Conrad and Heike Gewi present their works at Daily Haiga.
Asahi Haikuist Network shows haiku from Klemens Antusch and Ralf Bröker.
Dietmar Tauchner and Klaus-Dieter Wirth show their haiku at Ardea Issue 2.
Wolfgang Beutke's haiku appeared at Mainichi Daily.
Beate Conrad and Heike Gewi present their works at Daily Haiga.
Asahi Haikuist Network shows haiku from Klemens Antusch and Ralf Bröker.
Dietmar Tauchner and Klaus-Dieter Wirth show their haiku at Ardea Issue 2.
Two Years After the BIG Earthquake
Gabi Greve collects impressions and expressions two years "after the BIG earthquake" in Japan.
Beate Conrad's haiku has been presented by Mainichi.
Beth McFarland (who lives in Germany and writes in English), Helga Stania, Beate Conrad, and Valeria Barouch are guests at Asahi Haikuist Network.
Renku by Ramona Linke and Helga Stania appear in A Hundred Gourds. And so do haiga by Simone K. Busch and Gerda Förster.
In 2008 a Cologne haiku group was portrayed by Expatica/DPA.
In the end: A very special contest winning threeliner in something like German, promoted by the German Society of Pennsylvania.
Beate Conrad's haiku has been presented by Mainichi.
Beth McFarland (who lives in Germany and writes in English), Helga Stania, Beate Conrad, and Valeria Barouch are guests at Asahi Haikuist Network.
Renku by Ramona Linke and Helga Stania appear in A Hundred Gourds. And so do haiga by Simone K. Busch and Gerda Förster.
In 2008 a Cologne haiku group was portrayed by Expatica/DPA.
In the end: A very special contest winning threeliner in something like German, promoted by the German Society of Pennsylvania.
106th WHA Haiga and 11th Int. Kukai
Kuniharu Shimizu presents these authors and their works in his 106th WHA Haiga Contest: Christa Beau, Elke Bonacker, Simone K. Busch, Cezar F. Ciobica, Beate Conrad, Ioana Dinescu, Heike Gewi, Silvia Kempen, Ramona Linke, Helga Stania, and Heike Stehr.
The following writers took part in the 11th International Kukai in number of appearance: Horst Ludwig, and Bernhard Kopf. We also find Stella Pierides and Linda Hofke here, who live in Germany and write in English, Ralf Bröker and Cezar F.Ciobîca.
In 2009 John Knight wrote about German Haiku and his way to listen. By the way he shows a freeclimbing use of umlaute.
The following writers took part in the 11th International Kukai in number of appearance: Horst Ludwig, and Bernhard Kopf. We also find Stella Pierides and Linda Hofke here, who live in Germany and write in English, Ralf Bröker and Cezar F.Ciobîca.
In 2009 John Knight wrote about German Haiku and his way to listen. By the way he shows a freeclimbing use of umlaute.
Hashimoto's and McMurray's choice
Haiku from Ramona Linke and Heike Stehr have been preseted by Isamu Hashimoto in The Mainichi on 21st and 13rd of this month.
David McMurray selected haiku from Valeria Barouch, Beate Conrad, Bernhard Kopf, and Ralf Bröker for Asahi Haikuist Network.
Issue 13.1 of tinyword saw Dietmar Tauchner on 18th.
A view into the past of German haiku: Jane Reichhold's "Those Women Writing Haiku in Europe: Haiku in Germany". This report connects to the collection of haiku we presented in HFGT on 2/12/2013. The copyright says, this web page is from 1986; the youngest source comes from 1990.
PS: Some authors have been mentioned in our HFGT-news, but did not appear yet in our HFGT-portrait. If you are one of these, just mail to haikufromgermantongues (at) freenet (dot) de and send your three published haiku in English. Please add a short biography and up to two links leading to your blog, homepage, or member-side.
David McMurray selected haiku from Valeria Barouch, Beate Conrad, Bernhard Kopf, and Ralf Bröker for Asahi Haikuist Network.
Issue 13.1 of tinyword saw Dietmar Tauchner on 18th.
A view into the past of German haiku: Jane Reichhold's "Those Women Writing Haiku in Europe: Haiku in Germany". This report connects to the collection of haiku we presented in HFGT on 2/12/2013. The copyright says, this web page is from 1986; the youngest source comes from 1990.
PS: Some authors have been mentioned in our HFGT-news, but did not appear yet in our HFGT-portrait. If you are one of these, just mail to haikufromgermantongues (at) freenet (dot) de and send your three published haiku in English. Please add a short biography and up to two links leading to your blog, homepage, or member-side.
Haiku, Haiga and Haibun
Simply haiku presents a haiga and a haibun, the both from Beate Conrad.
Gerd Börner's haiku appear twice in the World Haiku Review 12/12: in Shintai and in Vanguard.
The 12th and the 13th Haiku meeting of the Meguro International Haiku Circle (moderator: Catherine Urquhart) have been opened with haiku from Simone K. Busch.
As far as I see, it was about 20 years ago that Jane Reichhold translated some Dutch and German haiku into English. I found the following German Tongues: Flandrina von Salis, Imma von Bodmershof, Margret Buerschaper, Sabine Sommerkamp, Ilse Hensel, Ingrid Grunsky, Ilse von Heywolff-Kullmann, Saskia Ishikawa-Franke, Lia Frank, Marianne Junghans, Lili Keller-Strittmatter, Gerda Adelheid Kirmse, Hildegard Loth. Jane Reichhold also tells about a Swiss painter: Conrad Meili, who had published haiku in Japanese magazines and illustrated many haiku of German speaking origin. Some of the authors named here have been mentioned by Klaus-Dieter Wirth in his essay "Haiku life in Germany - historical background and present situation", written in 2007.
Gerd Börner's haiku appear twice in the World Haiku Review 12/12: in Shintai and in Vanguard.
The 12th and the 13th Haiku meeting of the Meguro International Haiku Circle (moderator: Catherine Urquhart) have been opened with haiku from Simone K. Busch.
As far as I see, it was about 20 years ago that Jane Reichhold translated some Dutch and German haiku into English. I found the following German Tongues: Flandrina von Salis, Imma von Bodmershof, Margret Buerschaper, Sabine Sommerkamp, Ilse Hensel, Ingrid Grunsky, Ilse von Heywolff-Kullmann, Saskia Ishikawa-Franke, Lia Frank, Marianne Junghans, Lili Keller-Strittmatter, Gerda Adelheid Kirmse, Hildegard Loth. Jane Reichhold also tells about a Swiss painter: Conrad Meili, who had published haiku in Japanese magazines and illustrated many haiku of German speaking origin. Some of the authors named here have been mentioned by Klaus-Dieter Wirth in his essay "Haiku life in Germany - historical background and present situation", written in 2007.
Eight Haiga and Four Haiku
The 105th WHA Haiga Contest includes work of Christa Beau, Simone K. Busch, Cesar F. Ciobica, Beate Conrad, Ioana Dinescu, Ramona Linke, Helga Stania, and Heike Stehr.
Today the Asahi Haikuist Network presents of Simone K. Busch, Ramona Linke, and Beate Conrad.
Today the Asahi Haikuist Network presents of Simone K. Busch, Ramona Linke, and Beate Conrad.
International Kukai again
Horst Ludwig's haiku is to be seen at Mainichi's.
Ramona Linke, Cezar F. Ciobîcă, Bernhard Kopf, and Ralf Bröker were participants of International Kukai No. 10.
The four last-mentioned plus Tatsuya Onai, Horst Ludwig, and Tore Sverredal took part in the January 2013 Shiki Monthly.
Ramona Linke, Cezar F. Ciobîcă, Bernhard Kopf, and Ralf Bröker were participants of International Kukai No. 10.
The four last-mentioned plus Tatsuya Onai, Horst Ludwig, and Tore Sverredal took part in the January 2013 Shiki Monthly.
Mainichi and DIOGEN
Gesine Becker's haiku has been presented by Mainichi. Same place, different day Helmut Schneemann's work was published. And today Dietmar Tauchner's verse have been selected by Isamu Hashimoto.
Heike Gewi achieved second prize in DIOGEN's Best Winter Haiku 2012. Beate Conrad has been mentioned several times in DIOGEN's Konji.
Long, long time ago Shamrock Haiku Journal put a focus on German haiku and authors.
Heike Gewi achieved second prize in DIOGEN's Best Winter Haiku 2012. Beate Conrad has been mentioned several times in DIOGEN's Konji.
Long, long time ago Shamrock Haiku Journal put a focus on German haiku and authors.
Four Women in AHN
Asahi Haikuist Network presents the work of Valeria Barouch, Beate Conrad, Ramona Linke, and Helga Stania.
The Mainichi has published Rudi Pfaller and his haiku.
Dietmar Tauchner achieved second place in the Polish International Haiku Competition 2012.
The Mainichi has published Rudi Pfaller and his haiku.
Dietmar Tauchner achieved second place in the Polish International Haiku Competition 2012.
International Top Scorers
The 17th issue of Kusamakura presents Dietmar Tauchner as honoured author.
The winner of Mainichi's 2012-haiku-competition have been announced. Claudia Brefeld, Beate Conrad and Birgit Schaldach are anmong them.
Krzysztof Kokot has published his "European top 100 most creative haiku authors in 2012". Following German Tongues have been mentioned: Christa Beau, Claudia Brefeld, Ralf Bröker, Beate Conrad, Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, Volker Friebel, Heike Gewi, Martina Heinisch, Lothar M. Kirsch, Bernhard Kopf, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Rudi Pfaller, Helga Stania, Dietmar Tauchner.
The winner of Mainichi's 2012-haiku-competition have been announced. Claudia Brefeld, Beate Conrad and Birgit Schaldach are anmong them.
Krzysztof Kokot has published his "European top 100 most creative haiku authors in 2012". Following German Tongues have been mentioned: Christa Beau, Claudia Brefeld, Ralf Bröker, Beate Conrad, Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, Volker Friebel, Heike Gewi, Martina Heinisch, Lothar M. Kirsch, Bernhard Kopf, Ramona Linke, Horst Ludwig, Rudi Pfaller, Helga Stania, Dietmar Tauchner.
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